Category: Box Sets
Somerset businesses hit by Brexit: box set

Data published 22 March by UK Food & Drink Federation showed exports of food & drink to the EU from the UK dropped by more than 75 per cent in January. There was a 40 per cent decline in exports overall, and business leaders are saying that this is almost entirely due to Brexit. A […]
Cornish gems – a box set of articles

In case you missed them, here’s a collection of articles from Cornish writers or on Cornish (or Isles of Scilly) subjects. Please share! You are our distribution network! If you have a story to tell, please get in touch:;; and Look out for box sets from Devon, Somerset and Dorset!
Box set: a pot pourri of delights

We’re not all about politics, climate change and Covid-19 at West Country Voices. We try to bring you some deliciously diverse fare. Here’s a selection of articles you may have missed. Please enjoy and share!
Box set: pieces to ponder, part 2

Part 2 of our selection of pieces for you to dip into over the ‘holidays’. Enjoy! Share!
Box set: pieces to ponder, part 1

A box set of articles you may have missed and we think you might enjoy binge reading by the fire.
Political figures – box set of all our ‘favourites’…

In case you missed them, here’s a selection of our articles on politicians whose words and deeds needed and continue to need calling out. Enjoy!
Environment Box Set

In case you missed them or ar e hungry for a binge read, here is a selection of articles on environmental issues from our first five months: You can read Part 2 of Tony’s series on Dartmoor here. Part 3 will be published in January.
Food and Farming – essential reading ahead of a crucial vote for our rural communities

As we approach a crunch point for farmers, growers and food producers with the return of the Agri Bill, we offer you our bumper crop of articles on the subject. Our communities and local economy depend to varying degrees on food and farming. If small farms go to the wall, the collateral damage will be […]
Box set: Tom Scott

Message from the Editor-in-Chief: We’ve only been going five weeks, but we’ve already built up what we think is a pretty strong back catalogue of articles with a long read-by date. We thought you might like to catch up on a few grouped by author. We kick off with the articles from Tom Scott, the […]