Somerset Green New Deal Economy Forum: Social Justice and a New Economy. Taunton and West Somerset Build Back Better Campaigns (Green New Deal) are committed to a post COVID-19 recovery that embeds social justice and health and wellbeing in all its manifestations – including philosophy, politics and practical actions.
The forum will be held on 22 May. The aim of the day is to create a shared sense of purpose to support a green jobs recovery which will help deliver a thriving, carbon neutral, innovative and fair Somerset by 2030.
The local Green New deal hub has organised this Forum to raise awareness of ways to realise the opportunities from Green New Deal and a socially-just economy in Somerset. Young people, successful owners of local ‘green’ businesses, local councils and economic agencies are invited to join members and interested individuals to take part in the event.
The aim of the day is to create a shared sense of purpose to support a green jobs recovery which will help deliver a thriving carbon neutral, innovative and fair Somerset by 2030. It will:
•Set the national and local context.
•Showcase local examples of businesses transitioning towards zero carbon and fair and just employment practice
•Explore key issues for startups
•Build partnerships and identify sources of help.
The emphasis will be on the economy and, in particular, on how we can all contribute locally and practically to help the transition to a green economy with social justice and health and wellbeing at its heart.
Green New Deal UK has five principles by which it guides its decision making and actions. These are: decarbonise the economy; create secure, green jobs; transform the economy to serve the needs of the people; protect and restore the environment and promote global justice.
You can connect with Build Back Better Taunton through Facebook, where you can also find details of the event.