Marcus Fysh talking codswallop. Part 2

MP for Yeovil Marcus Fysh is on fire at the moment. He’s become an expert epidemiologist and virologist in the space of a few days and now he is acting like a business development exec for private healthcare insurance companies.

At first it seemed as though he and Newton Abbot MP Anne Marie Morris were concerned about breaking election promises and the impact of the 10 percent rise in national insurance contributions on the poor, especially coming on top of soaring fuel bills, the cut to Universal Credit (needed by millions of people in work but not earning enough to get by) and food price inflation. “Hallelujah!” we thought.


Silly us.

Marcus, supported by Anne Marie, Sir Iain Duncan Smith, Steve Baker, Sir Graham Brady, Craig MacKinlay, Lee Anderson, Richard Drax, Dehenna Davison suggests that people can avoid the tax by… taking out insurance! YAY! What a brilliant wheeze!

This new law can be used to open a great big golden gate to the insurers who have been chomping at the bit to really get stuck in to the UK market. You might have seen the piece we put out yesterday. This was one of the images:


Healthcare market experts Laing Buisson had identified dissastisfaction with the NHS as being a key driver for people to take out insurance and make it clear they expect that trend to be sustained. Dear Marcus just suggested a whole new way to ramp up business volumes. Will he get a fee if his idea becomes enshrined in law?

Maybe the Conservatives are beginning to twig that their reign might be nearing an end and they just have to ram through as many laws that favour the lobbyists, donors and mates as quickly as possible, or is that just too cynical? What do you think?