Our prime minister and wannabe eco-hero is photographed here sitting next to the greatest living eco-warrior and true hero, Sir David Attenborough (aged 95). Johnson is breaking the conference rules. Of course he is. It’s what he does. He is showing zero regard for the health of those around him. Of course he is. He presided over the seeding of the COvid-19 virus into care homes, after all and is even now refusing to re-introduce measures to control the pandemic which rages through schools, colleges and families.
In accordance with the UNFCCC COP 26 COVID-19 Code of Conduct: “participants must wear face coverings except when eating, drinking, sitting in office spaces/meetings, sitting to perform negotiations, or are medically exempt.” United Nations guidance and practice recommends face coverings to be surgical or FFP2. Delegates should wear face masks while seated where social distancing is not possible.
UN Climate Change Conference; information for delegates
As for those eco-credentials. Hmm. Sewage. Flying to Glasgow in one of the two private planes at his disposal. Presiding over a government which has cut taxes on internal flights in the week before the conference. Brexit itself is estimated to double UK carbon emissions through shipping. That’s what happens when you cripple trade with your nearest neighbour and opt to do more with countries on the other side of the globe. And all the foregoing is just tip of the (melting) iceberg stuff.
Anyway, here he is doing his by now familiar all-talk-and-no action schtick:
To those who say that Johnson is doing his best, we say that his best is a long, long way from being good enough. Too far, in fact. Surely we deserve better than this callous, careless, clueless narcissist?